New York filmmaker Tyler Fairbanks has impressed us countless times before, most recently while bringing us for an exhilarating ride with him on a South Africa Safari, but with his latest release, “Bonjour Paris“, the young filmmaker trades wildlife for the more contemporary location of Paris, France. Using the quickly growing filmmaking genre, hyper-lapse, Fairbanks takes us for a fast paced tour through one of Europe’s most recognizable cities. All of the classic landmarks are included. The Eifel Tower, Arch De Triumph and Musée du Louvre are shown, but the filmmaker also finds angles and locations not generally included in tourist photos of the French capital.
The film is a unique and realistic experience that takes us on a complete walking tour of the city in just two minutes. Filmmakers like Fairbanks prove that there is always a unique way to show off one of the most visited and documented locations in the world.
To see more from Fairbank, visit his website, Vimeo, Facebook and Instagram.