Ever since filmmaker and photographer Ben Canales of Uncage The Soul Productions took his first astro-photograph in 2009, he has been consumed with the night sky. As a filmmaker, he began documenting his obsession as best he could, utilizing time-lapse techniques to help convey movement to the night sky, which was impossible to capture on video due to low light limitations of DSLRs.
Always exploring ways to help inspire others to appreciate the night sky, Canales began working with the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry astronomy camp, where he would take the campers up to some of Oregon’s darkest locations to feast in the vivid night sky. Ofter, they would meet up with Oregon Star Party, a group of almost 600-night enthusiasts. Like Canales documents in his films from previous years, the two groups gathered to witness the Perseid Meteor Shower at Hancock Field Station in Central Oregon and the Ochoco State Forest.
But unlike his last film, which Canales made using the High ISO capabilities of the Sony A7s, this year, he was armed with the new Canon ME20f-SH, which as the capability of shooting at 400,000 ISO. Coupled with the Sigma 20mm f/1.4 ART lens, Canales thought he had a setup that would yield his best results to date.
The video is an inspiring example how far technology has taken us creatives in the last decade. As Ben says…
Welp… I think this one may be the beginning of something damn interesting….This was shot at 400k ISO on the Canon ME20f-SH. Check out the scene at 2:50!
Check out more from Canales on Uncage The Soul Productions , his astro photo website and Facebook.
Canales provided Resource Travel with a collection of photos from his previous trips with Oregon Museum of Science and Industry astronomy camp and Oregon Star Party.