Storm-Chasing photographer and filmmaker Mike Olbinski has brought us inside insane storms countless times before. He took the most dramatic lightning photo of the year, found himself way to close to a monster tornado, and showed us what it’s like to chase storms through the American Heartland.
As a follow up to his popular film “Monsoon II“, Olbinski has delivered another knockout punch that has left us dazed and speechless. “Vorticity” is the cumulation of Olbinski’s storm-chasing spring, where he was on the road for 18 days while driving over 20,000 miles through nine states and taking over 60,000 photos.
Olbinski often talks about the toll that is storm-chasing addiction has on his family life. While his family is supportive, the photographer dreads the time away from his loved ones. But was it worth it?
Blood. Sweat. Tears. Joy. That’s what this spring was for me. The miles, the grind, the failing, the epic days missed, the lack of sleep, the jubilation, the friendships strengthened, and the time away from my family. And when the chasing was all done…wondering, was worth it all?
Heck yeah it was.
Check out more from Olbinski on his website, Facebook, and Instagram.
Olbinski shared some of his favorite stills from the chase with us. Thanks Mike!