As the clock ticks down to midnight and we look forward to the adventures to be had in 2017, I decided to put together a collection of the top 9 photos of 2016 on the Resource Travel Instagram account. Now, having been to Iceland twice, I obviously know it’s one of the most incredible places on the planet, but based on the fact that 5 of our top 9 most liked images were from Iceland, apparently our fans can’t get enough of the unique landscapes either! In addition to the five images from Iceland, two others were from Iceland’s similar looking sister, The Faroe Islands.
Even more so, it appears our community is drawn to colder images and environments, as there is only one photo in the nine with a warm tone and setting.
Needless to say, putting this list together was an interesting look into what our community responds to. So without further delay, feast your eyes on the #ResourceTravel Top 9 Photos of 2016!
Happy New Year!
#1) Iceland by @BenjaminHardman
#2) Iceland by @SilentGPhoto
#3) Faroe Islands by @BenjaminHardman
#4) Two Jack Lake, Alberta, Canada by @Andy_Best
#5) Iceland by @tobyharriman
#6) Queensland, Australia by @jewelszee
#7) Iceland by @erikmcr
#8) Iceland by @caseymac